
Hey, I'm Seanchang.




  • 精通 Git : 精通切分專案分支(branch),合併(merge)各項功能,維護專案的完整性
  • 熟悉 Python :
  1. 基本網路爬蟲(Requests、Beautiful Soup)與瀏覽器自動化(Selenium)
  2. 基本資料處理與分析(Numpy、Pandas),機器學習的部分理論較熟未有成熟的作品
  3. 操作過後端網頁框架(Django、Flask),曾使用Django作為Line Bot後台,維持機器人運作(相關作品)
  • 熟悉 Flutter/Firebase :
  1. 使用過Flutter進行APP開發,串接Firebase作為APP後臺(相關作品)
  2. 使用過Firebase的會員驗證(Authentication)、雲端資料庫(Firestore)、推播訊息(Cloud Messaging)等功能
  • 略懂 Java :
  1. 使用過Java AWT進行視窗遊戲開發(相關作品)
  2. 使用過Java進行Android APP開發(相關作品)

-- 2022/01/16 Seanchang

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.
A computer science student who likes to learn and share various new field about technology

Recently, I have been focusing on Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Blockchain and other related fields. If you're willing to share, welcome!

Due to my student identity, I will only update a large number of articles during the winter and summer vacations

Still exploring about my career development, thus many technique can only be regarded as little understanding.

I hope that by writing articles can encourage me to learn more deeply and thoroughly.

The following are skills that I currently familiarized with
  • Master in Git : Proficient in dividing project branch, merging various functions, in order to maintain the integrity of the project.
  • Familiar with Python :
  1. Basic Web Scraping(Requests、Beautiful Soup) and Automation Testing(Selenium)
  2. Basic Data Manipulation and Analysis(Numpy、Pandas), the machine learning parts having no complete project yet
  3. Has experience to mainpulate Backend Frameworks(Django、Flask),using Django as Line Bot background system, keeps the bot can work normally(Related works)
  • Familiar with Flutter and Firebase :
  1. Used Flutter to develop APP, connecting Firebase as APP background system(Related works)
  2. Used Firebase Authentication、Firestore、Cloud Messaging functions.
  • Little Understanding about Java :
  1. Used Java AWT as Windows Game Development(Related works)
  2. Used Java as Android APP development(Related works)

-- 2022/01/16 Seanchang